Parent testimonials

"After seeing ISR on the web I thought I would give it a try. Jaqi got my 20-month old son in the pool and floating on his back after 3 lessons. The training she gave was unbelievable it’s just too bad she moved. I would recommend her to anyone who has a child and wants to give them quality swimming lessons and life saving instruction." - Todd

"With 3 older boys and a pool, I was so thankful to find Jaqi and ISR. Having run the gambit with swim lesson options on our older boys, my husband and I are so impressed with Jaqi and ISR. We CAN NOT believe what a strong, confident swimmer he is at just 2 1/2. I figured it would be years before he was at this skill level. Our friends gawk in amazement when they see him swimming with such ease." - Julia

"The fact that the home we were thinking of buying had a pool was almost a deal breaker. With a one-year-old boy, it made us nervous, but friends said that pools and kids go together great once the kids get old enough to swim. When I talked to Jaqi about it, she agreed about pools and kids being great together but said the earlier the better and started Luc's lessons before we moved. I am so happy that we listened to her. The early lessons were hard for me. Luc's crying was hard. Fitting it in with his nap schedule was hard. But after a week or so, the look on his face when he started to get it was worth it all.
Our second summer, Luc took back to the water like a pro and loved the water. I watched his confidence grow daily as he practiced his float and his swimming under water. Shouting "Mama, look at me!" I could see the pride he had in his accomplishments. He made us proud, too, at swim parties, the only two-year-old in the pool without floaties, putting his face under the water without fuss, leaping from the edge of the pool with absolutely no fear. Other parents were astounded with his skill and comfort in the water.
It's not just the swimming that makes me glad we've done ISR; now as we monitor the pool in preparation for the swim season, I still see the benefit of our having done these classes. Luc has amazing respect for the water. He is careful as we check the temperature and the skim box. I don't know if it's the knowledge that if he did fall in, he'd be absolutely fine that makes us all at ease around the pool. I just know that I trust him, and that's a wonderful feeling." - Anna
Our second summer, Luc took back to the water like a pro and loved the water. I watched his confidence grow daily as he practiced his float and his swimming under water. Shouting "Mama, look at me!" I could see the pride he had in his accomplishments. He made us proud, too, at swim parties, the only two-year-old in the pool without floaties, putting his face under the water without fuss, leaping from the edge of the pool with absolutely no fear. Other parents were astounded with his skill and comfort in the water.
It's not just the swimming that makes me glad we've done ISR; now as we monitor the pool in preparation for the swim season, I still see the benefit of our having done these classes. Luc has amazing respect for the water. He is careful as we check the temperature and the skim box. I don't know if it's the knowledge that if he did fall in, he'd be absolutely fine that makes us all at ease around the pool. I just know that I trust him, and that's a wonderful feeling." - Anna